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The Sand Truck Fell into The Ditch

Medan - One unit of a sand truck with a BK 8717 VV plate fell into a ditch on Jalan Amal, Medan Sunggal District.

The truck that was parked immediately fell into the ditch. It was suspected that the truck heading to Siantar was parked right above the ditch culvert.

One of the eyewitnesses who is also a local resident, Iwan, said the incident occurred on Saturday (17/09/2022) night at around 19.30 WIB.

"So the truck was parked, the driver wanted to buy food near here, when the driver got off suddenly the truck immediately fell," he told reporters, Sunday (18/9/2022).

Iwan added that the truck brought by the driver, whose identity has not been identified, almost hit a resident's house.

"It's just the shop's canopy, last night also happened to have no one parked, so no one got hit," he said again.

In fact, at the location it was also seen that the truck almost hit the steering wheel where local residents were selling.

Due to this incident, the traffic flow was slightly jammed because many residents wanted to see the truck evacuation process.