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Students Riding Police Truck in Landak Pontianak

There is no public transportation, students in Landak ride police trucks

Landak Police Department picks up school students using the Dalmas Polres Landak six-wheeled truck in Sengah Temila District, Friday (18/11). Kasat Samapta Polres Landak, AKP Teguh Prambudi said, this step was taken to cover the absence of public transportation for students in the area.

AKP Teguh said, the shuttle for these students will be carried out every day. In addition to supporting educational activities, the lack of proper public transportation is a consideration for his party.

"Such as the lack of public transportation that is safe for children and the recent traffic accidents in Landak District which resulted in school students being victims," ​​said AKP Teguh in Ngabang, Friday.

He said, his party lowered members to be directly involved in escorting students to school. "We will continue to carry out this pick-up activity for school students every day in order to support the younger generation of children in gaining knowledge at school. So that it can become a better next generation later, "he said.

This concern shows that the presence of Polri in the community is not only tasked with providing a sense of security. But also to support in various fields, one of which is in the field of education.

"The Landak Police's humanist approach is expected to touch people's hearts in the form of public services, especially for children. So that the image of the Police as Children's Friends can be created in the Landak District area," he concluded.