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Sand Transport Trucks Without Tarpaulin Covers Dangerous to road users

Pangkalan Bun - Even though there are rules for vehicles carrying materials to cover their trunks with tarpaulins when crossing the highway, there are still many unscrupulous truck drivers who are reluctant to implement these rules. 

As experienced by Edi, a resident of Madurejo Village, South Arut District (Arsel), West Kotawaringin (Kobar) Regency on Thursday, May 12, 2022.

When he was passing around the Pancasila Roundabout and coincidentally the position of his motorbike was behind a sand truck, he and several other drivers were forced to pull over for a moment because their eyes caught sand flying from the tub.

"It hurts my eyes, sir, because my helmet glass happened to be open at that time," he explained. Based on Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Transport Traffic, every vehicle carrying materials, including cement, must be covered with tarpaulin.

"But in reality there are still many drivers of sand transport trucks who seem to not care. Even though the sandbox without the tarpaulin is covered, it has the potential to endanger other motorists when crossing the road, when the lasers fly and enter the driver's eyes," he said.

According to him, this has also repeatedly been complained of by two-wheeled drivers who happened to pass by and pass a truck carrying sand without being covered by a tarpaulin.

"In addition to conveying it to the authorities, the public also often conveys it on social media, but strangely there are still many netizen accounts who instead blame motorcyclists who complain that the sand is being carried by trucks without being covered with tarpaulins. it could be that the motorcyclist fell on the road when his eyes were covered with sand," he said.

He hopes that the authorities can firmly apply sanctions to truck drivers who carry material loads without being covered with tarpaulins.

"Although I as one of the road users also hope for understanding from the material transport truck drivers. Because road users, not only them, because this can be experienced by many road users, this could happen to their families. So please all of us understand each other and tolerance when crossing the road," he said.