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Allegedly Brake Failure, Truck Loaded with Concrete Crashes into Clinic

BOGOR - A truck loaded with concrete rammed the clinic's yard on Jalan Mercedes Benz, Gunung Putri District, Bogor Regency. Luckily there were no fatalities or injuries in this accident.

According to one witness, Nur Hadi, the incident occurred at 17.15 WIB this afternoon. The truck is known to have come from the direction of Tlajung Udik towards Wanaherang at low speed.

"I was still inside and there was a loud noise when I saw the truck crash in front of my clinic," said Nur Hadi, Monday (12/9/2022).

When the truck loaded with concrete crashed into the clinic, several patients were being treated inside the clinic. Luckily the truck only hit the yard and didn't hit the clinic building.

"My wife is the doctor, there are four patients inside. Thank God it's okay, no one was injured, but my motorbike, which was parked, was hit by a truck crash," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Gunung Putri Police Traffic Unit, Aipda Hermawan, said the truck was suspected of having failed brakes. There were no fatalities or injuries in this accident and the truck was immediately evacuated.

"(Allegedly) the brakes failed, there were no fatalities or injuries, all were safe. We also regulate traffic conditions so that there are no traffic jams," said Hermawan.