PO Bus Sumber Alam Super Cool
In the past, around 2001 - 2005, every week I would travel from Jogya back to Cilacap PP, once again every week. In Kutoarjo, you will definitely be faced with the view of the Sumber Alam bus pool. I really dream of being able to ride this bus, the blue color is really serene. What the heck, at that time there was only the Aman and Utama bus going to Jogya Cilacap.
Likewise now, for 12 years every month, sometimes once a week, I travel to Jakarta Cilacap PP. Again, there is no Sumber Alam Bus PO route on this route, you have to go to Sampang first. Quite far from where I live in Cilacap. As a result, you only see information about PO Sumber Alam and its owner, Koh Anthony, from social media.Oh yes, I also watched Koh Antony's YouTube which sells ex-Sumber Alam fleets, I contacted the existing CP to ask about the price. I want to have a business using the former Sumber Alam bus, because something hasn't materialized until now.
Long story short, tonight I was on my way from Sampang to Jakarta. Because I happened to have some business in Sampang this afternoon, I took a bus back to Jakarta from Sampang. The dream from 2001 to ride the Sumber Alam bus finally came true.
Very sorry why I just took PO Sumber Alam. Super cool service starting from the agent, crew and at the Sumber Alam Ajibarang restaurant. What about the bus? very comfortable, nice and the driver drives the bus comfortably. Air conditioning, toilet, super soft chairs, audio, cleanliness make the trip comfortable. Once again, I regret why these intentions and dreams were not realized before.
Hoping to have the opportunity to play at the pool in Kutoarjo, thankfully I was invited to have coffee with Koh Anthony. Wow.