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Garbage Truck Threatened Not Working After Fuel Price Rises

Lampung Metro - The Metro City Environmental Service (DLH) is only able to budget for the purchase of fuel oil (BBM) for garbage trucks for 9 months. This is due to rising fuel prices.

Head of DLH Metro City, Irianto Marhasan admitted that he had budgeted the cost of garbage truck fuel for 12 months. However, with the increase in fuel prices, it must automatically be readjusted to the new fuel prices.

"We have adjusted it. This budget should be sufficient for the operational purchase of fuel for 12 months, after adjusting for the new price, only up to 9 months. In the next three months, we have to apply again," he said, Wednesday (14/09/2022).

Therefore, DLH Metro City proposed an additional fuel budget in the Revised APBD. This is because the operation of the garbage truck, which operates every day, is very necessary.

"Yes, we need more. We have proposed it to the government, and also to the DPRD. If you don't ask for more, how about it, hopefully it will be approved," he said.

He said, the number of garbage trucks operating belonging to DLH is around 21 units, which every day requires around 15 liters of fuel.

“Just count, three months multiplied by 15 liters, and the unit price. Then multiply by 21 units. We propose only for fuel," he said.

He hopes that with the proposed additional fuel costs, garbage trucks will continue to operate as usual. "So that officers can carry out their duties in accordance with their main duties and functions," he said.

Meanwhile, the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Metro City, Bangkit Haryo Utomo, explained that adjustments had been made regarding the increase in fuel prices some time ago.

"If there is an increase in (BBM), it means that the liters are reduced. So it's just an adjustment," he explained.

He said that until now, in the Metro City Government, the purchase of fuel remains the same, not using barcodes in transactions.

"The city government has not implemented barcodes yet. Because the system for fuel is carried out with a contract system,” he said. (*)